Friday, July 27, 2012


I will be giving away a vintage little mermaid ariel fabric pouch coin purse! 
It will run for a week and then I'll pick a winner at random!

Rules: (I'll be checking!)

-"Like" Candypants' Facebook Page (HERE
-Share the GIVEAWAY status on Candypants FB (You can share each day to be entered daily!)

That's it!

Good Luck! :)

Who ya gonna call?...Ghost Busters!

I recently came across the coolest freakin' fabric I've seen in a while...GHOST BUSTERS! It was one of my favorite movies as a kid and still is. Plus Bill Murray is one of my favorite comedians and never fails to make me laugh! Therefor, I felt morally obligated to make this awesome dress and coin purse! 

Get the dress HERE & the coin purse HERE!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Ready for the West Coast!

My family and boyfriend have been wanting to go to California for years. We finally gave in and made it happen! Now we'll be leaving  in a couple of days and I'm pretty much all set! 

I will set the Etsy shop to "Vacation Mode" and will let people know when I'm home again. So excited to stop at some thrift shops in search of awesome finds in California! 

My puppy Elwood is a little stinky stow away...<3

Talk to you all soon! xxx

Monday, July 9, 2012

Totes Cute!

I finally discovered what to do with my left over fabric pieces....make tote purses! I'll be working on more today and hopefully have them up on Etsy soon!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Woodstock Flea Market!

A few weeks ago I hauled all my stuff over to my first flea market in Woodstock! It was great to hear what everyone had to say! I noticed the most popular thing I heard people who visited the Candypants booth say was, "These are so fun!". I must have heard it 30 times! Over all it was a success and I loved being able to meet some of you guys face to face!

Bows and Buttons

I recently learned how to make fabric bows and knew there's a great way to incorporate them into my clothes. They started at the bust on dresses and have now ended up on shorts! It's really cute and adds a feminine, girly touch to some old cut offs!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Retro Style Sweetheart

I've been working on this retro halter sweetheart top for a while trying to perfect it and I think I've done it!
I realized that I don't only have to add this style to dresses but can also make tops with this adorable style in mind! This style is so flattering and classy. I'm so excited to get some more fabric and start sewing!

Coin Purses!

Recently, I had a noticed that I'd acquired a large amount of extra pieces of fabric but felt awful about just throwing them out. I decided to do what I do best and recycle them! I have a whole pile of them already finished and just listed a few on Etsy! Is there any coin purses you would like to see that I haven't made yet?