Monday, October 7, 2013


We're all set up on Wanelo and ready to be "SAVED"! ;)

Get your costume dresses, skirts, leggings(Nightmare Before Christmas!!) and Halloween themed items before it's too late to ship them!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Halloween Is Coming!

Autumn and Halloween are fast approaching (not fast enough for me!) and it's time for me to stock up on ALL different types of vintage scarf fabrics as well as cozy tops and bottoms! I've added a bunch new fun Halloween costume dresses, scarves and much more to the shop that are particularly rare and cute!

All are available HERE!

All items are available HERE!

Friday, July 19, 2013

The Pocket Dress

I've been itching to create this style dress for a while and finally have the time and means to make it happen! All the dresses you see here have been made by hand from pre-owned vintage bed sheets and are all affordably priced!

Available HERE!

Vintage Little Mermaid Pocket Dress

Vintage E T. Flippy Pocket Dress

Vintage Jurassic Park Flippy Pocket Dress

101 Dalmatians Flippy Pocket Dress

All available HERE!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July's Vintage Creations!

I've been busy thinking up new and excited styles and ideas for the shop! 

Here is what I was able to pull from my brain and have before my eyes in the month of July!

All items are available HERE!

Vintage Star Wars Bandeau

Vintage Ghost Busters Bandeau

Vintage Barbie Keyhole Twist Dress

Star Trek Comic Skirt

The Little Mermaid Ariel Shell Glasses

Vintage 70s Star Wars Dress

The Walking Dead Dress

All items available HERE!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Fun Things To Feast Your Eyes On.

Welp, the wedding and honeymoon are over (phew!) and I'm happy to be back creating and actually having time to list and design!

Here's some of the new things I've thought up!

All available HERE!

The Little Mermaid Halter Top!

New Kids On The Block Denim Shorts!

Spongebob Halter Dress

Aladdin Maxi Dress

Galaxy Nebula Strapless Dress

New Kids On The Block Highwaisted Skirt!

Pizza Party Skirt!

Jurassic Park Vintage Highwaisted Skirt!

Lion King Highwaisted Skirt!

All available HERE!

Friday, April 12, 2013

What to wear to Disneyland!

I know a lot of you are planning an amazing trip to either DisneylandDisney World or any other Disney related place around the world!

Here's a little inspiration as to what to wear on your trip there as you trot around jumping on rides and meeting characters!

All are available HERE!

Check out TONS more Disney looks HERE!

Monday, March 4, 2013

An Ode to The Little Mermaid (With CANDYPANTS items!)

I 've noticed over time that one of my most popular items in The Little Mermaid related. I've created a bunch new stuff that is either inspired by or pictures the best mermaid ever, Ariel!

All items available HERE!

All items available HERE!